Sunday, May 17, 2015

The First Historian

This blog is dedicated to stormlyht, who wanted to be able to follow the story of my Time Lord. I love you.  <3

Warning: If you have stumbled here with no idea of where you are there will be Sims 4 characters, mixing of universes, heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals and quite possibly transsexuals in this story.

I am following the challenge outlined here with a few twists of my own.  To begin I submitted my name and requested a female Time Lord at this site.  My result is below.

Next I created my Time Lord, First Historian.  She wants to find her soulmate and is childish, romantic and clumsy.

Before the story begins I'll go ahead and introduce her companions.  She started with three, and none of them were a rich heiress from the 1920s.

Next to First is Cullen Blue, beside him is his wife Charity.  Cullen and Charity recently joined the Historian and are from the area where she's landed.  Hermione Granger is on the end.  Most people who run into this blog will know where she's from.

The story of the First Historian begins in earnest Next post.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my darling, for setting this up for me! <3 back at'cha!
