Monday, May 18, 2015

Hermione & the first Historian

Begin at the beginning!  Click Here

As Hermione looked around the inside of the TARDIS she was a little sad about what the addition of two more companions had done to the space.  It had already been a bit cramped in there and even though the Historian had said there was no use making it bigger until she had the money to fill it Hermione thought more space would be a good thing.

Soon her mind was taken off of that.  The Historian bought the land they were sitting on and decided to stay in the area for a while.  This was followed up with her asking Hermione out!  Their first date was at the library and Hermione found herself entranced by the Historian's childish charms and her romantic side.  Sure, she could be clumsy, but that was actually rather cute.  Before she knew it all of the dates led to a proposal.

They had stumbled upon a wedding area in the top of the museum and the next thing she knew there was a sparkling ring on her finger.

"Why don't we get married right away?" the Historian asked.

"What now?  How?"  Hermione was feeling a bit dazed at the moment.

"There's a wedding arch, and a bar, we don't need any more than that."

So that was how it happened, the two of them, in the upper floor of the museum.  Hermione didn't think she would ever in her life forget how romantic it was, and how tired they were.

There was even a witness, though he was a bit young.

*** To be continued***

If your sims want to be married in this museum it can be downloaded using the Sims 4 gallery.  You can find it by user id: m_evergreen or by hash tags try: clay, painting, woodworking or weddings.  The building is named Museum.

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